Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Application of Bax Normilasation in Saudi Arabia: The how!"

Stephan Bax argues that, "Our aim should be to attain a state of `normalisation' in which the technology is invisible and truly integrated"


  Stephen Bax talked about the CALL in the past, present and future. He argued three questions about CALL first, where has Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) been, second and third, where is it now and where is it going? Stephen Bax argues the three phases of CALL are behaviouristic, communicative and integrative. He changed the names of three phases to make it realistic. He called a behaviouristic CALL phase as Restricted CALL approach, communicative CALL as Open CALL and integrative shape as Integrated CALL approach.

   He defined normalization as the stage that any kind of technological innovation becomes invisible in everyday practice. He said CALL will reach to normalization stage when students and teachers use computers to teach language in every lesson without fear or inhibition. They will reach to that stage when  they integrate technology  into all other aspects of classroom life, alongside coursebooks, teachers and notepads .He said that  CALL has not reached this stage it may take several years to become in commonplace. He suggested three steps to move towards the normalization. He talked about seven stages of normalization in CALL.

   In the past of Saudi context, we didn’t use computers in the learning field. Even we wanted to use it was restrictedly only on teachers to present PowerPoint. But nowadays, we started to enter technology in the  learning process. We move toward the opening to use it in the learning context. For example there are some schools integrated technology in CALL and allow students to use computers in classes. Most of Saudi universities used technology in the learning process. Also many Saudi students use technology to obtain knowledge when they do their homework. So, I think we are moving toward normalization if we just keep going to use technology without fear and skepticism. We will reach to normalization stage because we have a good knowledge about technology and know it’s important in learning process. To reach this stage we should work hardly as teachers .We should develop our selves and know more about technology and encourage our students to use it .May this process take several years but I have a strong believe we will reach to normalization stage.


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  1. Hi Safa'a
    I relay enjoy reading your opinion
    I'm agree with you in that we will reach the normalization stage but it will take several years.

  2. I agree with you! Normalization and integrating computers in learning in Saudi Arabia is not impossible but it needs really serious work and hard work from many parties, not only teachers or students.

    Dr. Hala.
